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 Eurasian Hobby  (Falco Subbuteo)


Status and distribution A summer visitor throughout much of Europe from the northern shores of the Baltic south to the Mediterranean and from Iberia to Russia. In Britain found only in southern and central England and south-east Wales although in recent years has spread northwards and westwards. In France and parts of central Europe range very patchy. Also breeds in northern parts of Morocco and Tunisia, and throughout most of Turkey.

Occasionally recorded in Europe in winter but most migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. Despite being a broad-front migrant some numbers are seen annually at Gibraltar. Autumn passage begins in mid August and is generally complete by mid October, the return movement takes place in March-May. Migrants occur throughout the south of the region.

Vagrant to Ireland, Iceland and Canary Is.

Habitat Breeds in trees on open heathland, clearings and forest-edge, meadows and sometimes marshes. On passage frequently seen hunting hirundines over large bodies of freshwater.

 Source: Internet
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