Identification: Shelducks are significantly bigger and more goose-like than other ducks. They are conspicuously black and white birds, the adults looking as if a big orange band has been wrapped around their chest. Juveniles lack this orange band and have a white face and throat and more brown and white plumage.
Habitat: Breeds on estuaries, gravel pits and fields. Winters on estuaries and sandy shores.
Distribution: Common and widespread resident of estuarine areas throughout Britain, and can also be found at some sites inland.
Occurs widely at many coastal areas with large flocks on some estuaries such as the Wash (England) and especially the Heligoland Bay off northern Germany where up to 100 000 gather during their moulting season.
Population: There are an estimated 10 900 breeding pairs in Britain and 1 100 pairs in Ireland. A noticeable concentration of 3 000-4 000 moulting birds gathers in Bridgewater Bay, Somerset. Wintering numbers can be in excess of 73 000 birds.
An estimated 40,000 pairs occur in Europe. Russian population 2000-3500 Turkish population 500-2000 |