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 Chorlitejo Chico  (Charadrius dubius )



Identification: The head is black and white; yellowish foots, short beak; bigger than the Little Ringed Plover; equal sexes.

Nest-building: The male makes depression in the bare ground; the female places lining of pebbles, shells or grass; laying, in May-June, of 4 eggs, ocher color, speckled and stained with black; incubation, around 24 days, by both sex; the chickens, watched over both parents, leave the nest to the few hours to be born, flying about 25 days later; normally two chickens.

Food habits: Crustaceans and insects of several types; also worms and some vegetal matter.

Habitats: Seas coasts and estuaries.

 Fuente: Internet
Aceder al foro: Chorlitejo Chico

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